Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Q: Why are we undertaking this building project at this time?
A: Seems the time is right between growth and potential growth to build for our future. We are currently maxed out in our space and are limited to what we are able to do now and into the future.
Q: When will the work begin and how long will the building project take?
A: There are several milestones we need to meet before we can start the building project process such as fund raising; EUMC Board approval and Estero village approval. Once these approvals have been met, we will let the project out for bid to several General Contractors. Estimates on the length of time to complete the project is 2 1/2 years from the time we have completed the necessary fundraising.
Q: Who is the architect, design team and general contractor?
A: Disney and Associates - architect and David McKee, PE - Civil Engineer.
Q: How are we implementing Sustainable (Green) Technology?
A: By using the latest and best building practices.
Q: Will parking be impacted during construction?
A: There may be some inconveniences during construction, however with the additional acreage we have it should be very easily overcome.
Q: Will there be an increase in the number of classrooms available for Christian Education?
A: Yes, there will be an increase from two classrooms that can hold 48, to eight classrooms that can hold 224.
Q: How will we maintain our programming during construction?
A: Existing classrooms will not be effected. After the new building is opened we will then remodel the existing buildings. The plan is to keep as many open as possible.
Q: How will the new facilities impact and improve the lives of those within our church community or in the community at large?
A: The additional classrooms and office space will enhance the entire EUMC experience for the our church family and the community at large.
Q: Will this project and any resulting growth affect our staffing needs?
A: Yes, as the church continues to grow, our staff will grow in relation to it.
Q: How will all of this investment enhance our spiritual growth?
A: It will enable us to grow as a congregation to do our mission by providing us the space resources we currently lack. A church more focused on its mission is a healthier church, and a healthier church enhances spiritual growth.
Q: What benefits will there be for members without children or youth?
A: This will provide a greater opportunity for an effective ministry and more space for classes and discipleship.
Q: Who makes the building decisions?
A: Ultimately a church conference. The building plans must be approved by the District Board of Building and Church Location (twice). They also need to be presented to the congregation two times - once to approve the preliminary plans and the second time to approve the final plans.
Q: With all the new buildings, will there be enough parking?
A: By redoing this phase, we will eliminate the parking congestion by utilizing the grove property.
Q: The drawings show parking is quite a bit away from the sanctuary. Will you be providing some sort of shuttle service?
A: The current golf cart ministry will be used and expanded as needed.
Q: What will happen to the Columbarium?
A: The Columbarium will not be impacted.
Q: Is Estero UMC on solid financial footing?
A: Yes, we presently are without debt with a large tract of land sitting vacant.
Q: I make an annual pledge to the church. Isn’t that enough?
A: Not to build a building. While we are meeting our current budget obligations, it is not enough to build a building.
Q: What is the church membership and how many giving units does it represent?
A: Our current membership is 448. In calendar year 2014, we had 625 households (giving units).
Q: How is a capital campaign different from an annual stewardship campaign?
A: A capital campaign is to commit and raise the funds to build a building whereas a stewardship campaign is to commit and raise the funds to support the annual budget.
Q: How much to we have to raise before construction begins?
A: We will need approximately $2 million before construction can begin. Of course we would be blessed to raise the entire $4.3 Million.
Q: Will different aspects of this building campaign be on competitive bids?
A: The entire project will be competitively bid.
Q: In order to reduce some of the costs, would the congregation and/or membership be allowed to volunteer their time and talents in the construction or finishing of the overall project?
A: This will be addressed once a General Contractor has been hired.
Q: What if we raise more money than we need for this project?
A: There will be a second phase called an all purpose room. Additional funds would be allocated to this project.
Q: How should I determine how much I can give?
A: Pray and consider.
Q: Can I direct my tithes to just go towards the new construction?
A: This isn’t what a tithe is for.
Q: How can I most effectively pray for this project?
A: Pray for wisdom for leadership. Pray for favor with the various approving agencies as we seek to build.
Q: Is Estero UMC really growing that much that we need new buildings? How can I tell?
A: We are at the tipping point where we have maxed out our ability to grow in our current facilities. It isn’t that if we build it they will come, it is that if we grow and do not build, they won’t stay.
Q: Why have we engaged a consultant?
A: Because we felt that we did not have the resources or expertise in- house to take on a project this complicated.
If your questions or concerns are not addressed in these FAQ, please feel free to submit your question or concern to the following email address and you will not only receive a personal reply, but most likely have your question or concern being added to this list for others to learn from. Please submit any questions or concerns in the form below or email Larry Spohr at
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