Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus. Philippians 3:13-14



For over 100 years, our church has served and loved the people of Estero because He first loved us.  As we look towards the future, God has given us an opportunity to continue this legacy.

We are a church committed to the Lordship of Jesus and, so, by both design and will, we are called to do what Jesus asked of us. And, within that calling, we find ourselves at a crossroads. We have the privilege and burden of discerning where the Lord is leading us.

As your pastor, I humbly ask you to engage with this process. The most important thing I would ask of you is to bring a willingness to listen to what Jesus tells you and a commitment to obey. I trust you, and I trust Christ in you, to be faithful.

It is with careful consideration, discernment, and recommendation of the Ad Board that Estero Church is going to hold a congregational vote to affiliate with a new Methodist denomination on June 25th.  We have decided to focus our conversations primarily on the Global Methodist Church and the Free Methodist Church. As we work through these two considerations, we are committed to providing you with the information you need to make your determination of where the Lord is leading us.

It is an honor and a privilege to walk closely with Jesus and alongside you.  It is with great anticipation that Estero Church leans into our future guided by our Father.

Yours in the Journey,

Pastor Tim

State of the Church Meeting

On Sunday, April 21st, we held a State of the Church meeting after the service to pray, receive the recommendation of the Ad Board, and answer any questions anyone may have about any of the options.


General Overview

Global Methodist Church

Free Methodist Church

Your Voice Matters

On June 11th, we will have a Town Hall meeting after the service to pray, receive the recommendation of the Ad Board, and answer any questions anyone may have about any of the options.

As a church, we will vote after the service on Sunday, June 25th. Since this voting will happen in the summer, and because of the nature of the congregation, you can expect that accommodations will be made for absentee voting.

Town Hall Meetings

Sunday, June 11th
After the service in the Sanctuary


Wednesday, June 14th
Virtual meeting at 6 pm

Denominational Vote

Sunday, June 25th
After the service in the Sanctuary

How to Vote

Step 1

You must be a member of Estero Church to participate in the denominational vote.  Please call the church office if you are unsure of your membership status.

Step 2

All members will have the opportunity to vote via absentee ballot between June 19th - June 22nd or during the in-person meeting on June 25th.

Step 3

Please check back for additional details.