40 Days #04 | Silence and Solitude
What You Will Hear
In our world that is crammed full of noise - in our home, on the news, in the car, and with all of our gadgets, there is a still, small voice of Jesus who invites us to show down and listen to his voice. Today, on the podcast, Pastor Tim shares about the ancient practice of silence and solitude.
We need silence and solitude in our lives full of noise to
- Hear God's voice
- Give space for God to “deal” with our stuff
- To refresh our souls
Again and again scripture instructs us to stop and wait on the Lord. This week, we invite you to do just that. Take some time to sit quietly in God’s presence and wait on him to show up and meet you there.
- 40 Days of Growth Sermon: March 20
- 40 Days of Growth Devotional
- Episode 04 on YouTube
- Invitation to Silence and Solitude by Ruth Haley Barton
- The Spirit of the Disciplines by Dallas Willard